Second in the series "A Trilogy of Morning Pages"

“What should I write in here?” a girlfriend asks, of the blank journal I’ve given her to celebrate six months of sobriety.

“Something. Anything. Everything,” I respond. “Write as if no one were reading. Hate. Love. Anger. Gratitude. Write as if your life depends on it.”

This is how I write each morning, as I begin the Morning Pages.

Aside from brewing a pot of French press, I do nothing, read nothing prior to writing. Freedom flows best when you’re propelled by the unconscious rather than down the avenues of distraction.

Fall awake in your Pages. Transform an overheard conversation into dialogue for a short story. Describe a character that didn’t exist until this moment. Write from the lens of your six-year-old self; from the tangled mind of a demented mother.

Write not for accolades or prizes. Write to understand. 


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